Version History - HttpWatch 10.x

Version 10.0.62 - 16 May 2017
- Improved: Added info tip for Alt-Svc header
Version 10.0.61 - 27 Apr 2017
- Fixed: HttpWatch would crash if the IE add-on window was undocked and the user pressed Windows key + D to show the desktop
Version 10.0.60 - 19 Apr 2017
- Fixed: The Find dialog failed to use the value selected in the the autocomplete list
Version 10.0.59 - 22 Feb 2017
- Fixed: An error or deadlock occurred when attempting to use the 'Image Dimensions' column
Version 10.0.58 - 03 Feb 2017
- Fixed: Versions 10.0.54 - 10.0.56 failed to display the content type correctly for 304 and (Cache) responses
- Fixed: A deadlock could occur on certain pages in IE while recording with HttpWatch
Version 10.0.56 - 12 Jan 2017
- New: Added integration with SSLRobot (SSL/TLS testing tool - see Servers can be checked from the SSL tab or by using the URL context menu in the main grid. The integration can be disabled in Tools-Options-SSLRobot
Version 10.0.55 - 06 Dec 2016
- Improved: Added a workaround to allow POST requests to be loaded from Firefox HAR files where the 'postData' element contains an empty 'param' value in addition to a 'text' value
Version 10.0.54 - 05 Dec 2016
- Improved: HAR files containing request bodies for methods other than POST can now be opened
- Improved: The request body for methods other than POST are now displayed
Version 10.0.51 - 03 Oct 2016
- Fixed: Spurious (Aborted) requests could appear in saved HWL file when using HttpWatch with Firefox
Version 10.0.49 - 14 Sep 2016
- Fixed: A 'resource not available' error could occur when using the GotoURL automation method with IE
Version 10.0.48 - 01 Jul 2016
- Improved: Added HAR file compatbility work-arounds to allow HAR files to be opened from the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome
Version 10.0.47 - 27 Jun 2016
- Fixed: IE could fail to load the first web page while the auto recording confirmation dialog was displayed
Version 10.0.44 - 14 Mar 2016
- Improved: Firefox related files are only installed if Firefox support is selected in the installer
- Changed: Updated the contact information in the About box
Version 10.0.43 - 18 Feb 2016
- Fixed: EOF characters in textual content were not correctly handled and could cause HAR files to be unreadable in HttpWatch and other tools
Version 10.0.42 - 18 Jan 2016
- Improved: the HttpWatch installer now uses SHA-256 code signing
Version 10.0.40 - 29 Dec 2015
- Improved: the HttpWatch installer has been updated to prevent dll hijacking
Version 10.0.39 - 21 Dec 2015
- Fixed: an access violation could occur when using HttpWatch and Symantec Endpoint Protection version 15
Version 10.0.37 - 10 Dec 2015
- Fixed: application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded POST parameters were not displayed correctly if they contained the '@' character
Version 10.0.36 - 07 Dec 2015
- Fixed: A crash could occur in IE while recording HTTPS traffic
Version 10.0.35 - 25 Nov 2015
- Improved: An error message is now displayed if a potential incompatibility with Symantec Endpoint Protection is detected in IE
Version 10.0.34 - 02 Nov 2015
- Improved: Added more information to the error message displayed when IE add-ons have been blocked
Version 10.0.33 - 22 Oct 2015
- Fixed: An error could occur when recording in IE during an SSL renegotiation
Version 10.0.32 - 20 Oct 2015
- Fixed: A 'Parse error' could occur in IE with HTTPS sites
- Fixed: An 'Invalid connect time' error could in IE and Firefox
Version 10.0.31 - 04 Sep 2015
- Fixed: The SSL 'Public Key Size' value was incorrect for some sites
- Fixed: Exported HAR files were invalid if a 304 response contained content
Version 10.0.27 - 28 Jul 2015
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 40
- New: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 31
Version 10.0.26 - 24 Jul 2015
- Changed: The RC4 cipher is now marked as being weak strength
- Changed: The TLS 1.0 protocol is now marked as being medium strength
- Fixed: An invalid HAR file was created if a 401 response occurred on a POST
- Fixed: A 'Password masking error' occurred if a POST was submitted with XHR using incorrectly encoded POST parameter names
- Fixed: A 'Connection terminated' error could occur while stopping recording in Firefox
Version 10.0.24 - 1 Jul 2015
- Fixed: The HttpWatch add-on in IE would crash while recording requests whose host name contained the characters '[' or ']'
Version 10.0.23 - 26 Jun 2015
- Fixed: HttpWatch could lock up or crash after using the autocomplete dropdown in the Find window
- Fixed: Submitted form data was not correctly displayed as separate POST parameters if the fields contained certain non-alphanumeric characters
- Fixed: The POST Data tab was not correctly highlighted if it was not the active tab
- Fixed: A 'Cannot create stable subkey' error could occur during installation
Version 10.0.22 - 16 Jun 2015
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 39
- New: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 30
- Fixed: An 'invalid vector(T) subscript' error could occur while viewing the POST data tab in Firefox
Version 10.0.21 - 11 Jun 2015
- Changed: Auto recording on IE 8 in protected mode is limited to a low integrity directory, e.g. C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\HttpWatch Logs . This does not apply to IE 9 and later
- Fixed: An invalid response header size of zero could be written to a HAR file in Firefox
- Fixed: IE 11 on Windows 10 build 10130 and later would fail with the error ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET while recording in HttpWatch. HttpWatch no longer supports IE on Windows 10 builds older than 10130
- Fixed: The Time value could be missing for image requests in IE that resulted in a 304 response
Version 10.0.20 - 20 Apr 2015
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 38
- Fixed: An access violation could occur when recording HTTP/2 traffic in Firefox
Version 10.0.13 - 30 Mar 2015
- Fixed: A 'Password masking failed' message could be displayed with large POST requests
- Fixed: The invalid URL request generated by old versions of jQuery in IE 8 was not correctly recorded
- Improved: The setup program now checks whether 'Automatically activate newly installed add-ons' is enabled or if the two CLSIDs for HttpWatch have been white listed when it detects that user add-on management has been disabled for IE
Version 10.0.12 - 25 Mar 2015
- A 'Password masking failed' message could be displayed if a POST request had a Content-Type of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' but the POST body was encoded in a different format (e.g. JSON)
Version 10.0.11 - 18 Mar 2015
- New: Supports Mozilla Firefox 37
- Fixed: The HttpWatch window did not display correctly when opened in Firefox using Shift+F2
- Fixed: A 'Password masking failed' message could be displayed if a POST request failed
- Fixed: The HttpWatch add-on could not be opened in Firefox on Windows 10 Technical Preview
- Fixed: Added help for 'Password Masking' options
Version 10.0.6 - 13 Mar 2015
- Fixed: An illegal instruction error could occur in HttpWatch Studio on some PCs running Windows 7 x64
Version 10.0.5 - 27 Feb 2015
- Fixed: An error or deadlock could occur when viewing data on the POST Data tab
- Fixed: A 'Failed to create a window' error could occur on some PCs
Version 10.0.4 - 25 Feb 2015
- Fixed: A 'Failed to find boundary value for POST ... during password masking' error could occur in Firefox
Version 10.0.3 - 23 Feb 2015
- Fixed: An access violation could occur in IE or Firefox while recording traffic
Version 10.0.2 - 23 Feb 2015
- New: Password masking searches POST parameters and replaces password characters with asterisks. This allows HWL and HAR files to be recorded by end users and customers without exposing password fields. The password parameters are detected by the presence of sub-strings such as 'pass', 'pwd' or 'secret' in the parameter name. The list of sub-strings can be altered in Tools->Password Masking
- New: The POST tab displays an alert bar when a password field has been masked and highlights the value in green
- New: Masked POST parameter values are also masked in the Stream tab for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data encoded POST request bodies
- New: HttpWatch Studio has a new improved UI design similar to Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
- New: Supports Firefox 30 - 36
- Changed: HttpWatch no longer supports Windows XP or Windows Vista
- Changed: HttpWatch supports IE 8 - 11 but no longer supports IE 6 and 7