Version History - HttpWatch 9.x

Version 9.4.17 - 20 Jan 2015
- New: Added Protocol property on Entry automation class to provide SPDY or HTTP/2 version string
- New: Added IsHTTP2 property on Entry automation class
- New: Added SSLHandshake timing property to Timings and TimingSummaries automation classes
- Changed: Renamed SPDYStreamID' property to StreamID
- Fixed: An error occurred if a web server returned an invalid status code value of zero
Version 9.4.16 - 14 Jan 2015
- New: Now supports HTTP/2 in Firefox 35
- New: Added 'HTTP/2' column to show if request uses HTTP/2
- New: Added 'Protocol' column to show which next generation protocol is being used, e.g. 'h2-14' or 'spdy/3.1'
- Changed: Renamed 'SPDY Request Data Frames' column to 'Request Data Frames'
- Changed: Renamed 'SPDY Response Data Frames' column to 'Response Data Frames'
- Changed: Renamed 'SPDY Stream ID' column to 'SPDY Stream ID'
Version 9.4.15 - 09 Jan 2015
- Fixed: The HttpWatch window in IE could hang or freeze for a few seconds at a time on PCs with an active UI Automation client
Version 9.4.14 - 07 Jan 2015
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 35
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 27
Version 9.4.11 - 17 Nov 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 34
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 26
Version 9.4.9 - 11 Nov 2014
- New: The SSL tab now displays a warning icon if the SSL connection contains items considered to be of medium or weak strength
- Changed: The SSLv3 protocol is now flagged as having weak strength on the SSL tab
- Changed: Removed warning HW3005 as modern browsers correctly handle no-cache and no-store
- Improved: Error symbols relating to SSL (e.g. SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP) are now displayed in Firefox instead of the raw hex error code
Version 9.4.2 - 17 Oct 2014
- Fixed: An access violation could occur in Firefox when recording is stopped
Version 9.4.1 - 14 Oct 2014
- New: HttpWatch Studio now has vertical and horizontal tab groups making it easier to display two or more log files next to each other for comparison
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 33
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 25
- New: Added IsLastAccessSet and IsLastUpdateSet properties to CacheInfo to indicate if LastAccess and LastUpdate properties contain a valid date time value
- Improved: An error message is displayed by the setup program if a policy has been applied to IE that will stop the HttpWatch add-on being enabled
- Fixed: An 'invalid SPDY ID' error could occur on aborted SPDY connections
Version 9.3.40 - 11 Sep 2014
- Fixed: An access violation could occur in Firefox 30 -32
- Fixed: Accepts HAR files that have no postData section when the POST request is empty
Version 9.3.39 - 29 Aug 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 32
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 24
- Improved: The Basic/Professional indicators in the Select Columns dialog are no longer displayed in HttpWatch Professional
Version 9.3.38 - 24 Jul 2014
- Fixed: HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) redirections are now correctly handled in Firefox. Previously, the initial HTTP request was shown as not complete. It is now shown as terminated with error code NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED.
- Fixed: A breakpoint exception occurred at startup in Firefox 31 if automatic recoding was enabled.
Version 9.3.36 - 09 Jul 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 31
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 23
- Improved: Automatic scrolling now behaves like the iOS app. As new requests are recorded, scrolling only occurs if you were previously viewing the end of the log in the IE or Firefox add-ons
- Fixed: The 'Copy Content' menu item could place random characters at the end of textual content
- Fixed: An access denied error could occur when copying text in IE Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM)
Version 9.3.35 - 20 Jun 2014
- Fixed: An access violation could occur in Firefox 30
Version 9.3.33 - 03 Jun 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 30
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 22
- Improved: Added data tips for more commonly used HTTP headers
- Changed: Removed warning HW1011 about use of Cache-Control: Public with HTTPS as it only applies to old versions of Firefox
- Fixed: The browser would freeze when using the automatic log file purging option in folders with very large numbers of files
- Fixed: A spurious file change notification could appear when saving a log file in HttpWatch Studio
Version 9.3.24 - 15 May 2014
- Fixed: The DNS Lookup host name and the connection IP address were not displayed on the Overview tab in IE 9 and earlier
Version 9.3.22 - 30 Apr 2014
- Fixed: Errors 1332 and 8519 could occur when installing HttpWatch on some Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 PCs
Version 9.3.21 - 29 Apr 2014
- Fixed: HttpWatch failed to open in IE EPM if HttpWatch was installed in a non-standard directory
- Fixed: An access violation could occur when resizing a column
Version 9.3.20 - 24 Apr 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 29
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 21
- Fixed: 'Open' and 'Open in New Tab' URL context menu items did not display in version 9.3
- Fixed: An 'attach request error' would occur if an attempt was made to open a new tab in a browser created using automation
Version 9.3.11 - 07 Apr 2014
- New: Send log file by email is available in IE Protected and Enhanced Protected modes
- Fixed: Send log file by email failed with Microsoft Outlook 2013
Version 9.3.10 - 03 Apr 2014
- New: Supports 64-bit Internet Explorer
- New: Supports Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM) in IE on Windows 8 and 8.1
- New: The HttpWatch Studio log viewer now runs in 64-bit mode on 64-bit Windows
- New: The automation interface now has native 64-bit support providing improved performance for 64-bit automation clients
- New: Auto recording in IE Protected mode can now save to any local or network folder to which the user has access
- New: The Properties pane now displays the browser mode (e.g. EPM), user name and Windows architecture (e.g. x86 or x64)
- New: Page ID, User Name and Device Name fields can now be added to CSV log files
- Changed: Settings for the IE plugin are now stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Simtec Limited\HttpWatch\IE_Plugin
Version 9.2.22 - 27 Mar 2014
- Fixed: An access violation could occur when opening a PDF document in IE while recording was active
Version 9.2.21 - 24 Mar 2014
- Fixed: The option to automatically purge old log files did not work with CSV and HAR files
- Fixed: A deadlock could occur when recording in Internet Explorer
Version 9.2.20 - 28 Feb 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 28
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 17 - 20
Version 9.2.6 - 17 Feb 2014
- Fixed: An 'invalid connect timing' error could occur in Firefox
Version 9.2.5 - 14 Feb 2014
- Fixed: An 'invalid ssl handshake timing' error could occur in Firefox
Version 9.2.3 - 13 Feb 2014
- New: SSL Handshake timings are now available in Firefox
- New: Information about the type and strength of the cryptographic algorithms used by SSL connections are now recorded in Firefox
- New: SSL information (e.g. key size, protocol version, etc) can now be added as columns to the main request grid
- New: Added a new warning (HW2005) for SSL connections with medium or low strength
- New: Automatic recording can now save to HAR and CSV log files
Version 9.1.21 - 04 Feb 2014
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 27
- New: Added support for SPDY 3.1 in Firefox 27
- Fixed: Windows 8.1 and Windows 2012 R2 operating system names are now displayed correctly in the Properties window
Version 9.1.13 - 01 Jan 2014
- Fixed: SPDY and HTTPS connections were not correctly recorded in Firefox when an SSL proxy was configured
- Fixed: POST parameters were not recorded in IE with some Ajax based file uploaders
Version 9.1.12 - 24 Dec 2013
- Fixed: HttpWatch 9.1 failed to record some requests correctly in IE 10 and displayed 'invalid status line' errors
Version 9.1.11 - 23 Dec 2013
- Fixed: An access violation could occur while recording in IE
Version 9.1.8 - 11 Dec 2013
- Changed: Added workarounds for common HAR file inconsistencies to improve import compatibility with tools such as Chrome Dev Tools, Fiddler and WebPagetest
- Fixed: HttpWatch was not compatible with Firefox ESR release 24.1
- Fixed: An access violation could occur during recording in IE 10 and earlier
Version 9.1.7 - 06 Dec 2013
- Fixed: A 'failed to get socket' error could occur in IE 8
- Fixed: HttpWatch Studio failed to import HAR files from Chrome Dev Tools
Version 9.1.6 - 04 Dec 2013
- Fixed: Previously loaded web pages failed to refresh correctly in IE 11 when HttpWatch was recording
- Fixed: The cache before and after states are now correctly displayed for video files in IE
Version 9.1.5 - 04 Dec 2013
- Fixed: An access violation could occur in IE 11 when HttpWatch displayed an error message
- Fixed: The About window now displays the correct version number
Version 9.1.4 - 03 Dec 2013
- New: Added support for Internet Explorer 11
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 26
- Changed: HAR file compatibility with other tools has been improved by ignoring certain types of the deviations from the HAR specification during file import
- Fixed: Data tip is now displayed for the (Cache) value in the Results column
- Fixed: The correct value is now displayed in the Content Size column for 304 responses
Version 9.0.25 - 06 Nov 2013
- Fixed: DNS prefetching in IE 10 was disabled while HttpWatch was recording
Version 9.0.24 - 21 Oct 2013
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 25
Version 9.0.21 - 30 Sep 2013
- Fixed: Duplicated requests could be displayed if a filter was active and page grouping was disabled
Version 9.0.20 - 18 Sep 2013
- Fixed: An access violation occurred in Firefox 24 when attempting to open a URL through the automation interface or with the HttpWatch user interface
Version 9.0.19 - 16 Sep 2013
- New: Added support for Mozilla Firefox 24
- Changed: Removed support for Mozilla Firefox 10 - 16
Version 9.0.15 - 07 Aug 2013
- Fixed: A crash could occur on some PCs when recording with HttpWatch in Firefox 18 or later
- Fixed: IPV6 DNS lookups in Firefox were not blocked by the network.dns.disableIPv6 config flag if HttpWatch was active
Version 9.0.13 - 05 Aug 2013
- New: Supports Mozilla Firefox 23
Version 9.0.11 - 24 Jul 2013
- Fixed: An access violation could occur in Firefox 18 or later
- Fixed: The 'Before Request' cache state was not recorded correctly for some requests in Firefox
- Improved: Reduced the overhead of using HttpWatch with complex web pages in Firefox
Version 9.0.9 - 15 Jul 2013
- Fixed: Failing or cancelled requests in Firefox were sometimes shown as being active even though they had terminated
- Improved: The internal error 'ERROR_CANCELLED' is no longer displayed in IE 10 when a '204 No Content' response is received instead of an image
- Improved: Updated the 'Getting Started' instructions to reflect recent changes in Firefox and Internet Explorer
Version 9.0.8 - 17 Jun 2013
- Fixed: An access violation could occur when displaying the Properties pane in HttpWatch Basic Edition
Version 9.0.7 - 17 Jun 2013
- New: The HttpWatch iPhone app is now available in the app store
- New: SSL Handshake timings available in IE and iPhone app
- New: Information about the type and strength of the cryptographic algorithms used on an SSL connection is recorded in IE and on the iPhone
- New: The name and type of the device is recorded in HttpWatch 9.0 and can be viewed in the Properties pane of an HWL file
- New: Supports Mozilla Firefox 22
- Fixed: A 'No HTTP Request' error occurred when collapsing a page group in HttpWatch Basic Edition